Since the inception of this blog in January, I have followed Burson-Marsteller rapid growth in the area of Social Media. Through the different blogs I have written I have noticed that a lot of the agency’s information is disseminated through Social Media channels and that a concerted effort has been done to hire excellent professionals in the field. Although Social Media could be considered a baby within technological circles, it can also be considered a baby in steroids! The medium has grown and prospered and is being used more as a resource for the dissemination of news and in Public Relations “terms” it has also become an essential tool for crisis management practices.
B-M’s has made an amazing effort to hire the “best of the best.” In January, B.L. Ochman became the managing Director of Emerging Media at Proof Digital. Ochman, before entering B-M employment, was nationally recognized as one of the pre-eminent voices and professionals of “new media,” a “guru” and “ninja,” who had helped numerous Fortune 500 corporations, learn the Social Media ropes.
Today, Burson-Marsteller, announced two new hires for Proof Digital Media: Brian Purchia (Twitter: @BrianPurchia) and Michael Beno (@MichaelBeno). Both professionals come from Social Media backgrounds and understand the details of carrying a PR campaign in the medium. B-M is setting the foundation, not only to be a competitor, but as it stated in the B-M blog “having the strongest, deepest and broadest expertise in this area.”
Also on Monday, April 12th, B-M was again in the Social Media news when Jay Leveton, CEO of Proof Integrated Communications, presented his views as part of a series of interviews being conducted by PRNewser (@mediabistro) about Social Media hires in PR agencies ( In the interview one can find a lot of insight on how B-M is placing itself to be the best qualified PR agency for clients looking for expertise on the Social Media field. He referred, among many things, to how the agency is concentrating in finding excellent new media professionals to better help B-M clients. B-M is a Growing Tree in Social Media to then become a Giving Tree for its clients!
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