Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here is Your Opportunity to Intern With B-M

As a class assignment, my professor has asked me to post a weekly post about Burson-Marsteller in relation to topics discussed in class and covered in our book. Unfortunately, I have not received my book in the mail yet. Since I can't write about topics portrayed in our textbook, I might as well give you an update on whats up with B-M and my experience with the firm personally.

I thought it would be a good idea to let you know that B-M looking for the brightest PR Juniors to be part of its Harold Burson Summer Internship Program … This is the moment for Public Relations and Communications juniors to start looking for that “foot in the door” of major PR firms and agencies. That is exactly what B-M is offering!

As a former summer intern of B-M in their office of Puerto Rico I can tell you that it is the best experience a student can have. There is no but’s or if’s – the moment you step into the office your learning experience commences and is nonstop for the next two months. Thanks to my mentor and Director of the P.R. office, Sara Lora, I was able to learn the details of the B-M operations. From writing press releases, to collection of data, to help in the creation of a new client’s campaign, I was involved in every process of Public Relations.

Do not miss a great opportunity to work with B-M. Deadline for applications is February 26th. For more information go to their website at . Also, don't forget to check out my twitter account @TakeADoseOfBM .

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